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Let's exchange resources and expand our libraries!

Here I share with you some of the books that have been relevant throughout my research process. 


If you would also like to share books, articles or any other piece of writing or links related to the topics of


please feel free to do so either in the forum

or send it to me via email!


I will keep updating this list as I read and hear from you.




Thank you!!


  • Abramovic, M. (2016). Walk through walls.
  • Agamben, G. (2009). What is an apparatus? And other essays. Translated: Kishik, D. and Pedatella, S. California: Stanford University Press.

  • Ahmed, S. (2006). Queer Phenomenology Orientations, Objects, Others. Duke University Press.

  • Ashley, C. W. (1944). The Ashley Book of Knots.

  • Arendt, H. (1958). The Human Condition. The University of Chicago Press.

  • Bogart, A. (2001). A director prepares. Seven essays on art and theatre. Routledgde.

  • Calkins, N. A. (2018). Manual of Object-Teaching. With Illustrative Lessons in Methods and the Science of Education. Forgotten Books.

  • Cameron, J. (1992). The Complete Artist's Way. Creativity as a Spiritual Practice.

  • Cavarero, A. (1997). Relating Narratives. Storytelling and Selfhood. Routledge.

  • Cirkus Syd. (2020). Circus Thinks.

  • Defrantz, T. F., Rothfield, P. (2016). Choreography and Corporeality: Relay in Motion (New World Choreographies).

  • Deleuze, G. (1994). Difference and Repetition. Columbia University Press.

  • Edwards, D. (2018). Animal Moves.

  • Foucault, M. (1975). Discipline and Punish: the Birth of the Prison. 

  • Ingold, T. (2013). Making. Anthropology, Archaeology, Art, and Architecture. London and New York: Routledge.

  • Ingold, T. (2016). The life of lines. A brief History. Routledge

  • Katan, E. (2016). Embodied Philosophy in Dance, Gaga and Ohad Naharin’s Movement Research. London: MacMillan Publishers Ltd.

  • Laban, R. (2011). Choreutics. (Ed.) Lisa Ullmann. Dance Book Ltd.

  • Lavers, K., Leroux, L. P., Burtt, J. (2020). Contemporary Circus. London and New York: Routledge. Lievens, B., Kann, S., Ketels, Q. and Focquet, V. (eds.) (2020). Thinking Through Circus. Art Paper Editions.

  • Lecoq, J. (2007). Theatre of Movement and Gesture. (Ed.) David Bradby. Routledge.

  • Lievens, B. (2015). First Open Letter to Circus: The Need to Redefine. letter-to-the-circus-the-need-to-redefine/

  • Lievens, B. (2015). Second Open Letter to Circus: The Myth called Circus. myth-called-circus/

  • Lievens, B., Ketels, Q., Kann, S., Focquet, V. (2020). Thinking Through Circus.

  • Manning, E. (2009). Relationscapes. Movement, Art, Philosophy. The MIT Press.

  • Merleau-Ponty, M. (1962). Phenomenology of Perception. Routledge.

  • Move: Netflix documentary by Thierry Demaizière and Alban Teurlai

  • Murakami, H. (2008) What I talk about when I talk about running. New York: Knopf

  • Murphy, L. (2018). Deconstructing the Spectacle: Aerial Performance as Critical Practice. University of Sheffield.

  • Nail, T. (2021) Theory of the objects. Edinburgh University Press.

  • Olsen, A. (1998). Bodystories. A guide o Experiential Anatomy. University Press of New England.

  • Pinchbeck, O., Declan, M. (2022). Notes on Creation - Perspectives from Contemporary Circus.

  • Priest, J. (2019). KNOTCIRCUS. University of Stockholm.

  • Profeta, K. (2015). Dramaturgy in Motion. At work on Dance and Movement Performance. The University of Wisconsin Press.

  • Robitaille, M-A. (2022), Circus as a Practice of Hope, forthcoming chapter in Posthumanism in Practice. ed. Daigle, Hayler. Bloomsbury Academics.

  • Spier, S. (2011). William Forsythe and the Practice of Choreography. It starts from any point. Routledge.

  • Szekely, E. B. (1973). Creative Work. Karma Yoga: A Western Interpretation. International Biogenic Society.

  • Tait, P. (2005). Circus Bodies. Cultural Identity in Aerial Performance. Routledge.

  • Whitehouse, Mary S, Janet Adler, Joan Chodorow, and Patrizia Pallaro. Authentic Movement. London: Philadelphia, 1999.

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